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WordPress 4.9 Released! Features and Updates with Screenshots

Moeez — November 16, 2017 4 Minutes Read

Keeping up with the tradition, WordPress has launched WordPress 4.9 named after a popular jazz musician Billy Tipton. The focus has been high on user experience that will provide users with seamless editing and coding.

This article will put forth all the WordPress 4.9 features that you should definitely know about.

So What’s New in WordPress 4.9?

Here are some of the WordPress 4.9 features that you should be excited about:

  • Updates to drafting and scheduling in the Customizer
  • A preview link in the Customizer
  • Improved theme browsing in the Customizer
  • A new Gallery Widget
  • Add media to text widgets
  • Videos from providers other than Youtube and Vimeo is supported in the Video widget
  • Seamless theme switching
  • Prompt for “save” in the editor 

Updates to drafting and scheduling in the Customizer

One of the noteworthy WordPress 4.9 feature is the update to the drafting and scheduling in the Customizer. Users will now be able to see changes in the theme that they have not yet saved. This means pending changes in the customizer will be loaded automatically when the next time users log in to their WordPress admin.

Also, with WordPress 4.9, users can now schedule their theme changes in the customizer.

So to check this out, I updated my staging website to WordPress 4.9.

You can see the schedule button as you make a change in your customizer.

A preview link in the Customizer

In the last screenshot you can see the Share Preview Link option. WordPress 4.9 will allow you to share your preview with other people who don’t even need to be logged in in order to see it.

Improved theme browsing in the Customizer

Another WordPress 4.9 feature that improves user experience the improved theme browsing experience with in the customizer. WordPress 4.9 has introduced separate searched for installed themes and uninstalled themes.

Also, you can see a new filter tab on the top corner which gives you the option to filter your theme search according to theme types, features, layouts.

A New Gallery Widget

WordPress 4.9 has introduced a gallery widget that will make it easier for you to add images in the sidebar.

The widget also allows you to set column and number of images you want in the side bar.

Add Media To Text Widgets

WordPress 4.9 has introduced media capabilities to text widgets. To include images in the text widgets, users don’t need to have HTML and CSS knowledge any more. Users can now include images in the text widgets with the click of a button.

Video Widget Supports Videos Other Than Youtube and Vimeo

Video widget only supported videos from Youtube and Vimeo till WordPress 4.8, but in WordPress 4.9, things are going to change. Videos from other providers will also be supported. This means that the thumbnail and oEmbed will be enabled for other video providers as well.

Seamless Theme Switching

Theme switching is now easier in WordPress 4.9. Previously, a theme change would change all your widgets on your website. Not anymore. WordPress 4.9 provides a more reliable theme switching where you can decide your widget placement.

Prompt For “Save” in the Editor

The editor will now display a prompt if you haven’t saved your work for some time.

What’s in It for the Developers?

The WordPress 4.9 features I covered so far are front end improvement and are targeted towards non tech people, like me.

Here is what WordPress 4.9 have in store for the developers:

  • Theme and plugin editor will now have CodeMirror editor
  • Extendable control for code editor
  • Global notification area
  • Dant and time in the Customizer
  • Enhanced usability of Customize JS API

Try WordPress 4.9 Now!

I was as curious as you are to try out the WordPress 4.9 and I must say I was impressed. I will also encourage you to experience the new WordPress update yourself.

Let us know what you think about the WordPress 4.9 features.

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      Moeez is ‘The’ blogger in charge of WPblog. He loves to interact and learn about WordPress with people in the WordPress community. Outside his work life, Moeez spends time hanging out with his friends, playing Xbox and watching football on the weekends. You can get in touch with him at moeez[at]wpblog.com.



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