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9 Tips To Make Exceptional Contact Forms in WordPress

Moeez — September 19, 2017 4 Minutes Read

Your website visitors are your biggest asset. If you are earning a major chunk of your revenue from your website, then you owe it to your visitors because they are your bread and butter.

Since they are so important to you and your business, you would want them to engage with you on a personal level. Contact forms are a good way to provide your visitors an opportunity to connect with you.

Like other elements on your website, your contact form should be well optimized and the visitors should feel at ease in using the form for getting in touch with you.

This article will take you through some effective ways to make your contact form stand out in front of your visitors.

Length Of Your Form

Your contact form shouldn’t be longer than it needs to be. Try avoiding unnecessary fields that can lengthen your form. A lengthy form will not give you desired results because your visitor wants to input less information as possible to get in touch with you.

So make sure your contact form is concise and the fields ask only the most relevant and important questions.


A contact form with a good structure is easy on the eye. Your visitor would like to fill your contact form if it has a user-friendly structure.

A user-friendly structure involves giving your users different options for their queries. They might want to contact you for a number of reasons and your contact form should allow them to specify their problem.

A good way to create a user-friendly contact form is to categorize problems department wise. This will save your users’ time and will allow them to talk about a specific issue.


No one has a better idea about your audience and your products than you do. Your contact form must be relevant to your niche. Contact forms on other websites might impress you, but remember that every website has unique requirements and the forms on the other websites might not be very relevant to your website.

The first step should be to guide your users to the appropriate channels. If users on your form ask business related queries, then they must be shown all the possible options related to that query only.

You should also ensure that this approach is consistent with every query. Your audience should experience the same level of service on the queries that they are asking on your form.

Use Colors and Images

Colors have a huge impact on your contact form. Using the right colors, that matches your website theme and overall outlook increases the chances of your users filling the form.

Along with colors, images also enhance the quality of your contact form. You can put images of people on your team so that users know who they are in contact with. This increases users confidence as they feel they are connecting with a human and not just a website.

Allow Files Upload

Uploading files allow users to avoid writing long text when they are describing a problem. A user can just take a screenshot and send it to you, which is much more convenient. Give your users this convenience so that they feel comfortable while filling out your form.

Let Them Know Your Response Time

Let your users know when they should be expecting a response from your team. This shows that you care about your users and you don’t want them to keep waiting for a response.

If your response is good, your users will be more willing to fill your form. You can also add your office timings and working days in your contact form. This will give your users a time frame in which they can expect a response.

Remove Captcha

It’s true that you might receive a lot of spam form submissions and you need to filter them out. While captchas are a good way to do that, they are likely to annoy your users. Having your captcha turned off can increase contact form conversion by 3.2%.

It’s not to say that you should stop filtering spams altogether. Honeypot technique is an effective technique to filter out your spam users. You can do this by adding a hidden field in your form that can only be filled by a robot. Or you can add a label to the field which says “If you’re a human don’t fill this field”.

Let Them Know What Happens Next

Informing your users about what’s going to happen next before they have the filled the form is another way of gaining confidence. Your users should know if they are going to receive a confirmation email or they should be expecting a response in the very first email.

Add a short line at the end of the form about what the user should expect after filling the form.

Don’t Ask Phone Numbers!

People are never comfortable while giving their phone numbers. Avoid asking users their phone numbers if you don’t want your user to abandon your contact form. This is because users might think you will use this information give them cold sales calls.

If you absolutely cannot avoid asking phone numbers, make that particular field optional. A study shows that giving options on certain fields decreases abandonment from 39% to just 4%.

As a digital marketer, you don’t have time to waste on selecting fancy templates and making time-consuming changes to your contact forms. These tips will help you make your contact form effective and will give you higher conversions. They are easy to implement and will not take much of your time.

If you have tried some new tricks to make your contact forms effective, let us know in the comments and we would be happy to include them in this article.

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      Moeez is ‘The’ blogger in charge of WPblog. He loves to interact and learn about WordPress with people in the WordPress community. Outside his work life, Moeez spends time hanging out with his friends, playing Xbox and watching football on the weekends. You can get in touch with him at moeez[at]wpblog.com.



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